★★DarknessMt2 Renaissance★★

Topic created · 11 Mensajes · 2412 Visitas
  • New client V9, no virus with a new dungeon.


    The world of Renaissance DarknessMt2 live peacefully, the three kingdoms were at peace, but one day the curse of God is metin abatta DarknessMt2 on the three kingdoms that made ​​war and fought a frenetic fight for the conquest of kingdoms begin. After facing many boss as Azrael, the Black Dragon and Red Dragon. A new source of conflict appeared, she took control of the curse of God metin, pulling tied chaos in the kingdom. Nothingness is the cause of all this trouble. Several unknown monster and boss have made ​​their appearance, many world and dungeon are unlocked. The monsters are becoming more powerful and smarter and to make this threat. The Uriel'm studying and created new weapons and armor to help you overcome this danger. Quests and tests you will propose to you improve. Or follow the path of a warrior wandering unattached to his kingdom and travel the world in search the Power Darkness.
    A world Celeste was discovered and four old naked emperors received a true renaissance and beyond await you in the heavens.
    and the greatest boss supreme, the master of nothingness and of heaven awaits you after these long races.

    Empress Warrior

    Empress Sura

    Imperator Shaman

    Empress Ninja

    Supreme Boss : Chaos

    Dungeon Celestial - The Biggest Dungeon metin2 by DarknessMt2