[Noticia] Kirk Key desvelada (firmar y descifrar TODO)

Topic created · 5 Mensajes · 645 Visitas
  • Al parecer Mathieulh ha coseguido las keys de Kirk, el chip que se encarga de firmar y descifrar todo en la PSP, con esto ahora se podría firmar cualquier homebrew independientemente del firmware que tenga como si de un firmware original se tratara.

    Este acceso al Kirk de PSP a sido porque la PS3 las guardaba en la flash y como dieron con el acceso a la clave de la PS3 se ha descubierto las de PSP tambien.

    no harían falta mas CFW, HEN y demás... solo esperar a que salga un programa para firmar nuestro homebrew.

    Como solemos decir por aqui, significa que la PSP está totalmente desvirgada y poco podrá hacer Sony para evitarlo.

    Estaremos atentos.

    Aqui una charla entre los miembros:

    < @Mathieulh> got the kirk engine keys
    < @Mathieulh> thx sony xD
    < +rck`d> psp crypto
    < @Mathieulh> well it's in ps3 but it's psp keys
    < @Mathieulh> I can encrypt/sign any psp apps now

    < @Mathieulh> lol
    < @Mathieulh> yah
    < @Mathieulh> has drm keyz too
    < @dwrfcrank> Davee: Hey I told you it's a isolated SPU module >:O
    < @Mathieulh> so you can make your own psn store clone
    < @Mathieulh> on psp

    You can also check his Twitter to confirm this huge news:

    I can encrypt/sign anything on psp now.

    How to find the kirk keys? Well, got to check these:

    [07:47] < @Mathieulh> they are inside an isolated module
    [07:47] Mathieulh, what file is the updater ?
    [07:47] < @Mathieulh> which is inside a sprx
    [07:48] plz
    [07:48] what do u need them for? rofl
    [07:48] its psp
    [07:48] < @Mathieulh> DarkHack it's inside pip
    [07:48] not ps3
    [07:48] < @Mathieulh> pup *
    [07:48] kirk= The hardware crypto engine responsible for almost all aspects of the PSP's security, including decryption of eboots & prx's, savefile and adhoc encryption, and idstorage verification. Named after Captain Kirk of Star Trek.
    [07:48] < @Mathieulh> ra you can sign psp apps
    [07:48] even if he releases them there is no point
    [07:48] which file ?
    [07:48] < @Mathieulh> well "sign" xD
    [07:48] < @Mathieulh> cause the signature is hmac-md5
    [07:48] < @Mathieulh> while the encryption is AES128CTR
    [07:49] Mathieulh, which file in the pup is the updater ?
    [07:49] Mathieulh, just one question, how did you decrypt the sprx
    [07:49] < @Mathieulh> darkhacke seriously.... it's the only fucking self in there
    [07:49] < @Mathieulh> cooled_ I decrypted appldr
    [07:50] like lv2_kernel.self icon razz Mathieulh Has Found The PSP Master Keys In PS3!
    [07:50] i think its time this room became +m for 5 mins hahahaha
    [07:50] < +jas0nuk> Mathieulh, start talking in french
    [07:50] < @Mathieulh> (actually I pwned and dumped it first since I released the keys already)
    [07:50] < @Mathieulh> then I looked for the keys
    [07:50] ra, break kirk means that you can sign homebrew in user mode.. nothing of kernel mode...
    [07:50] < @Mathieulh> grabbed them all
    [07:50] no need be rude Mathieulh 😞
    [07:50] < @Mathieulh> used the one I needed to decrypt the sprx I knew had nice shit in
    [07:50] and over 6.XX it's easyly recokable
    [07:50] < @Mathieulh> then I extracted the isolated module from it
    [07:50] < @Mathieulh> then I decrypted/pwned isoldr
    [07:50] < @Mathieulh> grabbed key
    [07:51] < @Mathieulh> then decrypted the isolated module
    [07:51] == Indy_ [~Indy@cpe-67-252-87-149.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ps3dev
    [07:51] < @Mathieulh> then I had all the keys + algos there
    [07:51] == HiBit [~HiBit@xdsl-78-35-151-92.netcologne.de] has joined #ps3dev
    [07:51] < @Mathieulh> tadaa !

  • [http://foro.universojuegos.es/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=9041][0]">viewtopic.php?f=84&t=9041 ya estaba posteao xD, lo que no estaba era lo de psp, GOOD INFORMATIONS xD

    [0]: <a href=

  • @Joaking said:

    http://foro.universojuegos.es/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=9041 ya estaba posteao xD, lo que no estaba era lo de psp, GOOD INFORMATIONS xD

    pero esto es otra informacion de otro usuario o usuarios xD el otro equipo es failflowerflour o como se llame xD

  • buen aporte gracias

  • @malniu said:

    buen aporte gracias

    Deja de poner lo mismo en todo los posts colega, pareces un pu** bot.