[L2J] L2 HardStyle 50x - Freya - SERVER NOW LIVE! Come Test

Topic created · 2 Mensajes · 1353 Visitas
  • How big is the game?

  • **Currently, L2 Hardstyle is a unique pvp server, with one world. Lionna 50x has been worked and reworked from 5 months and still is until official lunch! Nowadays Lionna is hosted with the following specification:

    Intel Core i5-2400 4x3.1+ GHz
    16 GB DDR3 Memory
    2x 2TB - SATA2
    DDOS Protection NEW

    Our goal is to provide you a stable, lagless, enjoyable environment with the cost of in game balance.
    We will be fully operative has concerning for updates, feedback, support, and being originals from other server with our own programming language and Knowledge.**

    **Website : http://L2-Hardstyle.com
    Forum : http://L2-Hardstyle.com/Forum

    We list some features for you to understand what Lionna 50x is all about:

    Quick overview

    Before we start, i would like to warn you, we are going to insert lame guard into the server. If we achieve, after finishing reworking Lionna, we are going to use it inside it. So you are going to get free of the use of 3rd party programs. For now server is totally secure of L2phx, already checked, as well as walker lower versions.
    We will not include in this list retail features, because you already know them, so just going to explain our custom and modified list.

    **So what's the different about L2 Hardstyle from all servers?

    50x Pvp Server:

    XP Rate: 50x NEW
    SP Rate: 50x NEW
    Party Multiplier: 2x NEW
    Drop Rate: 1x NEW
    Spoil Rate: 1x (not too much important for our Server) NEW
    Adena Rate: 50x NEW****Safe Enchant: +4
    Max Enchant Weapon: +16 NEW
    Max Enchant Armor: +10 NEW
    Enchant Rate: 33%
    Bleesed Enchant Rate: 66% NEW
    Enchant Elemental Stone Rate: 50% NEW
    Enchant Elemental Crystal Rate: 30% NEW
    Maximum PK to drop: 3
    Buffs: 2 Hours
    Highly secured server.
    Experienced Team. (Just try us...)
    Stable / Free of lags (until further notice, we will help you in all ways we can)
    Antibot System. (as we said before)
    Sub Class max lvl:
    Player maximum Sub Classes: 3
    Siege times: UK Time - 2 in 2 weeks siege
    Olympiad Period: 2 Weeks
    Cov and Magnus Chant: 1 Hour
    AIO Cov and Magnus Chant: 2 Hours
    Auto Vote Reward System (Topzone / Hopzone / Gamesites) NEW
    Custom Server Informer NPC
    Custom Farm Zones
    Custom Events
    Custom NPC Buffer
    Custom GM SHOP
    Custom Nobless manager
    Custom VIP Teleport
    Custom Chaotic Zone
    Custom Clan Ring & Mastery Ring. (if you dont know what is http://L2-hardstyle.com/Forum)
    PVP & PK Reward System NEW

    **Gameplay Features:

    **Pavel Ruins
    Pavel Ruins is the first farm place where you go once you reach lvl 76 or lower.
    Here you can farm S grade exchangeable items (S Tokens) which will allow you to buy from GM SHOP all S grade accessories (Weapons and Armors).

    **Forgotten Temple
    Forgotten Temple is a mystical place where you can farm Dynasty exchangeable items (Dynasty Leafs) which will allow you to buy from GM SHOP all Dynasty accessories (Weapons and Armors).

    **Monastery of Silence
    MOS is another gorgeous looking place, which will allow you to farm Vesper exchangeable items (Vesper seeds) which will allow you to buy from GM SHOP all Vesper accessories (Weapons and Armors).

    **Mitril Mines
    Mitril Mines are a big, huge, rocky place (mountain, sort of), transformed into a mine. This mine was changed and revamped with new mobs since the release of Gracia Epilogue client. We deleted those mobs, and revamped yet again with balanced stats so all community can farm inside them. That's going to be the first major farm place ever for all server. Where you can farm from Vorpal to Eligia exchangeable items (Mantras) which will allow you to buy from GM SHOP all Vorpal and Eligia accessories (Weapons and Armors). If you are to curious to know more about drop rate system come check us. There will be a news informer npc to assist you into your way of glory.

    **Chaotic Zone
    Chaotic Zone is a place, where you can farm great and cool stuff like attribute stones including crystals, there will be also belt and shirt drops. This will be some nice pvp zone, where you need to survive to farm nice items. So be prepared, be fast and work your away as a team, against all kinds of enemies.

    **VIP Teleport
    VIP Teleport, as the name says, is some new feature customized by us, which will allow some players to farm low drop of Dynasty Armor, Dynasty Weapons, Giants Books, Attribute Stones, with the guarantee of 100% drop (example: kill Raid Boss at the end of the instance and drops(VIP Mixture) to buy Eligia and Vorpal accessories (Weapons and Armors) , plus Icarus Weapons and low rate attribute stones).
    For you to be exclusively teleported by our Global Gatekeeper to this great instance, you will need to buy an event item in exchange of special items which will drop from Hardstyle champion mobs.
    This instance will be at the 4 Sepulchers place, and before you get ported, our beloved Global Gatekeeper will give you in exchange of your VIP item, 2 entrance passes to the sepulcher to each player. As you remember to enter at 4 Sep, you will need to be in party with 3 members (4 party players minimum to enter) and with the "4 Goblets quest". You can get quest as soon as you get ported to vip zone.
    PS: Retail quest to get entrance passes will be deleted as no need, since 4 Sep npcs aren't at their retail place. This was needed for the use of this great feature. Hope you like it.

    **Nobless Manager
    For you to get nobless, you will not need to do retail quest. You will just need to farm some special items at Varka and Ketra zones, in order to obtain from GM Shop, the last ingredients to achieve Nobless. Those are asked by our Nobless Manager, which will allow you to transform into Nobless after you give his order list.

    **Raid Bosses
    Raid bosses will be as retail times. The only custom stuff from our L2 Hardstyle server will be, you can buy quest items in exchange of some special items as before. Times will be presented at website.
    Epic Raids and Lower Raids will drop Raid Spirit items, which will allow you to buy Eligia and Vorpal accessories (Weapons and Armors).
    And you get only from Epic Raid Bosses their jewels (Baium Ring, Zaken's Earring, etc...)

    **Clan Information
    To get clan skills, you can obtain from 2 things: or you farm from raid bosses, or you can buy them in exchange with Knight Epaulettes at our GM Shop.

    **Custom NPCS
    Global Gatekeeper : This will help you to cross all over Lionna's world.
    GM Shop: Where you can get all kind of accessory from our server.
    Nobless Manager: As before mentioned
    Maximilian Sub Class Changer: All sub classes presented, so you don't need to walk around to your guild to change sub class.
    Town Buffer: It will store your schemes and buff you as your needs.
    PVP-PK Manager: Will give you information about who are the top 50 PVP and PK players.
    Server Informer: Will give you information about new updates, as well Hardstyle mechanics.
    Warehouse Manager: Will assist you in better way to keep your items safe.
    Augment Manager: Will assist you augmenting your Weapons and Armors.
    Clan Ring and Master Ring Manager: Will sell you Clan Ring and Master Ring.

    NOTE: This is a quick list of what's waiting for you at L2 Hardstyle. OFF course we didn't talked about everything in the game, we only told you about our important and more useful information. If you need any more information, just ask us at our forum. Thank you!

    **About donation
    **We will never use donation to unbalance the server, and will only have it for some small items like hats etc. Donation is not mandatory! Only if you want help us maintain our server online.

    Follow us throw our Facebook Page

    **SERVER NOW LIVE! Come Test It! ** NEW

    Website back online! (Not finished) NEW
    In the mean time, you can check our Forum.

    Guests can check our daily updates.
    Join us, its free.

    • Give us a Try!

    PS: You need to register to gain acess to all topics. 🙂

    Remember that playing on L2 Hardstyle isn't a right, its a privilege! NEW