Quest Mascotas.
quest mascotas begin
state start begin
when 53002.use beginif pc.getqf("mascota") < 1 then chat("Acabas de invocar a tu Mascota!!!") affect.add_collect(apply.CON,25,60*60*24*365*60) affect.add_collect(apply.INT,10,60*60*24*365*60) affect.add_collect(apply.STR,10,60*60*24*365*60) affect.add_collect(apply.DEX,10,60*60*24*365*60) affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP,5000,60*60*24*365*60) horse.set_level ("27") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() pc.setqf("mascota", 2) elseif pc.getqf("mascota") == 2 then chat("Enviaste tu mascota al Establo") affect.remove_collect(apply.CON,25,60*60*24*365*60) affect.remove_collect(apply.INT,10,60*60*24*365*60) affect.remove_collect(apply.STR,10,60*60*24*365*60) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEX,10,60*60*24*365*60) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP,5000,60*60*24*365*60) horse.unsummon() local recuperarlvl = pc.getqf("caballolvl") horse.set_level (21) pc.setqf("mascota", 0) end end end end quest official_pets begin state start begin when 53001.use with pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 and pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("firephoenix_use") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Tu mascota no tiene nombre") end chat("Has llamado a tu mascota") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("firephoenix_use", 1) pc.setqf("firephoenix", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_MAX_HP, 100, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("22") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Tu mascota se ha ido") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_MAX_HP, 100, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("firephoenix_use", 0) pc.setqf("firephoenix", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("firephoenix_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("firephoenix_use", 0) pc.setqf("firephoenix", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Tu mascota se ha ido") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) end when 53003.use with pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 and pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("icephoenix_use") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Tu mascota no tiene nombre") end chat("Has llamado a tu mascota") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("icephoenix_use", 1) pc.setqf("icephoenix", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("23") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Esta es tu nueva mascota") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("icephoenix_use", 0) pc.setqf("icephoenix", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("icephoenix_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("icephoenix_use", 0) pc.setqf("icephoenix", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Tu fenix se ha ido") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) end when 53002.use with pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 and pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Tu mascota no tiene nombre") end chat("Has llamado a tu mascota") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("reindeer_use", 1) pc.setqf("reindeer", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("24") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Su mascota adoptada a partir de ahora!") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("reindeer_use", 0) pc.setqf("reindeer", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("reindeer_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("reindeer_use", 0) pc.setqf("reindeer", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Tu mascota se ha ido") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) end when 53005.use with pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Tu mascota no tiene nombre") end chat("Has llamado a tu mascota") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("pwahuang_use", 1) pc.setqf("pwahuang", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("25") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Tu mascota se ha ido") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("pwahuang_use", 0) pc.setqf("pwahuang", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("pwahuang_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("pwahuang_use", 0) pc.setqf("pwahuang", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Tu mascota se ha ido") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) end when 53006.use with pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 and pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("dog_use") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Tu mascota no tiene nombre") end chat("Has llamado a tu mascota") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("dog_use", 1) pc.setqf("dog", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("26") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Tu mascota se ha ido") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("dog_use", 0) pc.setqf("dog", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("dog_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("dog_use", 0) pc.setqf("dog", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Tu mascota se ha ido") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) end when 53007.use with pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 and pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("lion_use") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Tu mascota no tiene nombre") end chat("Has llamado a tu mascota") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("lion_use", 1) pc.setqf("lion", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("27") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Tu mascota se ha ido") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("lion_use", 0) pc.setqf("lion", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("lion_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("lion_use", 0) pc.setqf("lion", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Tu mascota se ha ido") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) end when 53008.use with pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 and pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("pig") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Tu mascota no tiene nombre") end chat("Has llamado a tu mascota") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("pig_use", 1) pc.setqf("pig", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("28") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Tu mascota se ha ido") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("pig_use", 0) pc.setqf("pig", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("pig_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("pig_use", 0) pc.setqf("pig", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Tu mascota se ha ido") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) end when 53009.use with pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 begin if pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 then local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ; if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then chat("Tu mascota no tiene nombre") end chat("Has llamado a tu mascota") local your_horse_level = horse.get_level() pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level) pc.setqf("tiger_use", 1) pc.setqf("tiger", 1) affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) horse.set_level("29") horse.unsummon() horse.summon() local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) else chat("Tu mascota se ha ido") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) horse.unsummon() pc.setqf("tiger_use", 0) pc.setqf("tiger", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) end end when logout or login with pc.getqf("tiger_use") == 1 begin pc.setqf("tiger_use", 0) pc.setqf("tiger", 0) local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save") horse.set_level(horse_settings) chat("Tu mascota se ha ido") affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8) affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8) end end end
Alguien me podria decir porque me sale "segmentation fault (core dumped)"
bsd71# cd /home/game/quest
bsd71# ./qc
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
bsd71# -
Yo utilize hace unos dias esta y me compilo bien.....
Pero me dio problemas con el caballo normal al invocarlopero creo que el problema lo tengo en otro lado no en la quest si quieres prueba a ver que tal te va ....
@Dialfoar said:
Yo utilize hace unos dias esta y me compilo bien.....
Pero me dio problemas con el caballo normal al invocarlopero creo que el problema lo tengo en otro lado no en la quest si quieres prueba a ver que tal te va ....
[alinear-centro]ahora la pruebo y te digo.[/alinear-centro]
[alinear-centro]* Edito : No funciona es la misma quest que la segunda mia , pero en aleman D:[/alinear-centro]
entonces el error no esta en la quest por que la he provado y funciona bien.... la quest revisa todo lo que implementastes o los permisos 777 a ver ...
@Dialfoar said:
entonces el error no esta en la quest por que la he provado y funciona bien.... la quest revisa todo lo que implementastes o los permisos 777 a ver ...
[alinear-centro]he probado miles de formas y no la koje
Tiene permisos 0777 ( winSCP)
cd /home/game/quest
./qc official
y da segmentation fault ( core dumped )[/alinear-centro]
Si quieres te paso las carpetas del object ya compiladas. y las agregas al object y le das los permisos 777
Supongo que lo has añadido a honkong list no? si pones una foto será mas facil ayudarte, a lo mejor hay algo mal en la quest aunq a primera vista no parece tener ningun fallo