Ayuda Problema Quest OX
Hola amigos de UJ buieno ps tengo un problema, con la quest de OX ps al implemntarla la quest me sale esto [php]dedi-fr-21367# ./qc oxevent.quest
QUEST : oxevents
STATE : start
FUNCTION check()
WHEN : 20011.chat ("GM: Ox Event")
with pc . is_gm ( ) and oxevents . check ( ) == true and game . get_event_flag ( "automatic_oxevent_status" ) == 0
WHEN : check.server_timer
expecting 'when' or 'function'
oxevent.quest:87:Abort (core dumped)a
y ps no se porque alguien me puede ayudar?
la quest es esta:quest oxevents begin state start begin function open() if(oxevent.open() == 0) then return 0 elseif(oxevent.open() == 1) then return 1 else return 2 end end function quiz() if(oxevent.quiz(1,30) == 0) then return 0 elseif(oxevent.quiz(1,30) == 1) then return 1 else return 2 end end function check() local gmlist = {"HaveBeen"} -- Enter the names of GameMaster for i = 1,table.getn(gmlist),1 do if(gmlist[i] == pc.name) then return true else return false end end end when 20011.chat."GM: Ox Event" with pc.is_gm() and oxevents.check() == true and game.get_event_flag("automatic_oxevent_status") == 0 begin say_title(mob_name(npc.get_race())..":") say("") --- say("Do you want to open the Ox-Event? ") say("") local s = select(locale.yes,locale.no) if(s == 2) then return end say_title(mob_name(npc.get_race())..":") say("") --- say_reward("Note : Actual Ox Event Time (H) : "..os.date("%H")) say("") say("How much do you want to open Ox Event?") local times = input() if(times == "" or times == nil) then return end say_title(mob_name(npc.get_race())..":") say("") --- game.set_event_flag("automatic_oxevent_opentime",times) say("Thank you the system has been activated! ") say("Open after "..times.." hours! ") game.set_event_flag("automatic_oxevent_status",1) server_timer('check',0.5) end when check.server_timer begin if(os.date("%H") == game.get_event_flag("automatic_oxevent_opentime")) then if(oxevents.open() == 0) then print("The competition is already active! ") elseif(oxevents.open() == 1) then notice_all(" Ox-Event is opened! ") notice_all(" Show your knowledge.. ") server_timer('countdownone',300) else print("An Error has occurred.. ") end else server_timer('checktwo',0.5) end end whne checktwo.server_timer begin if(os.date("%H") == game.get_event_flag("automatic_oxevent_opentime")) then if(oxevents.open() == 0) then print("The competition is already active! ") elseif(oxevents.open() == 1) then notice_all(" Ox-Event is opened! ") notice_all(" Show your knowledge.. ") server_timer('countdownone',300) else print("An Error has occurred.. ") end else server_timer('check',0.5) end end when countdownone.server_timer begin notice_all(" Closing Ox-Event Entries : 5 mins left.. ") server_timer("countdowntwo",60) end when countdowntwo.server_timer begin notice_all(" Closing Ox-Event Entries : 4 mins left.. ") server_timer("countdownthree",60) end when countdownthree.server_timer begin notice_all(" Closing Ox-Event Entries : 3 mins left.. ") server_timer("countdownfour",60) end when countdownfour.server_timer begin notice_all(" Closing Ox-Event Entries : 2 mins left.. ") server_timer("countdownfive",60) end when countdownfive.server_timer begin notice_all("
hola bueno, te soy sinsero yo nose mucho de quest, pero quisas esto te sirva con tu problema con el ox. es el evento ox completo. com las flores sin nombre. uriel. oxevent.quest y oxquiz.lua. es el que yo uso esta en español.