Este método me ayudó a mi conseguir 1580 RP

Topic created · 2 Mensajes · 2303 Visitas
  • League of Legends.
    No es traducido ya que el post no fué mio, lo unico que quiero es compartirlo con ustedes.
    Espero que entiendan inglés._xD_

    Here is the best way to earn RP.

    I know it works cause a lot of youtubers use it and they said it works.

    Just register here:

    If you want you can login with your facebook to register faster.

    Now you can start to earn Point that gives you RP.

    Its easy and fast.

    1099 pts - 350 Riot Points

    2099 pts - 750 Riot Points

    4199 pts - 1580 Riot Points

    8399 pts - 3250 Riot Points


    Edit : If you register by my link, you will earn 30 point for free.

    Edit2 : You can earn money for almost all online games, for example if you earn "4399 pts" you could buy CS:GO or buy Minecraft for "8399 pts" ( the numbers are real ).

  • Bastante util, funciona!