Fin del juego del 8-3-11

Topic created · 3 Mensajes · 969 Visitas
  • FIN DEL JUEGO, todo terminó para 8-3-11, ayer u hoy (27/07/11) actualizaron su página oficial diciendo que todo habia sido un juego de "Jhon" y su amigo. La verdad nos tuvo intrigados a todos, no se si se nos cagó de risa en la cara o no, pero esto demuestra que NADA en internet es totalmente oculto, como verán hoy a 27 de julio, no le dejaron mas salida que confesar lo que hacian.
    También el mérito de esto es de ustedes, se que han investigado, han hablado de conspiraciones, terrorismo, ARG (juego de realidad alternativa), publicidad viral, pasajes de la biblia, etc. Pero todos han contribuido a desenmascarar esto, incluso gente de otros foros, esto nos muestra que podemos unirnos por una sola causa (en este caso fue la pelotudez de 8-3-11, pero bien podría haber sido algo que realmente le sirviera a la sociedad) dejando de lado el "individualismo colectivo" que vemos muchas veces.

    Fue divertido mientras duró, seguramente me voy a comer puteadas diciendo que soy un pelotudo, que fui engañado y que los engañé a ustedes. Para los que piensan así, ya sabrán de ante mano que con esos comentarios voy a hacer una impresión en papel higienico y me voy a limpiar el c... Jajaja no mentira piensen lo que quieran, yo persaonalmente me divertí y se que muchos de ustedes también.

    Acá el link de la confesión: [][0]">[][1]

    Respecto a los que me dicen que cierre el post, no lo voy a cerrar, va a quedar como documento de lo sucedido con esta página.



    [0]: <a href=

  • Bueno... que alguien me lo traduzca... :mem11:

    An Explanation

    It started as just a summer project. A way to have a little fun. Admittedly it got way bigger than I ever could have imagined. Honestly I didn't think it would make it out of Houston. Some of my friends and I were just going to post the flyer around the town and that was it. In retrospect I probably should have left it there.

    When I chose the date 8•3•11 it was totally random. And then I searched it online to see if it was already related to anything big. I saw the bible verse, and at first didn't think much of it. Then as summer began I thought that maybe 8•3•11 should actually have some purpose, so I made that crude sketch of an interactive sculpture that was sort of supposed to imitate a stoning. Those were really the only two things that were ever intentionally related to each other. So it sort of started to be some kind of weird stoning awareness thing if you could call it that? The idea never really got developed because I was busy with other things.
    So then the whole thing started to blow up online and people thought it was an Alternate Reality Game(ARG). I didn't know what an ARG was before this whole thing and I'm still not totally clear on it. At any rate people were interested in it and that was interesting to me so I gave "clues". I put that in quotes because I had no idea where I was going with the whole thing. I'm not much of a story teller. I was actually going to shut it down a few weeks ago (probably should have followed my gut on that one), but it was really interesting reading the ideas people were coming up with and a lot of people seemed to be genuinely enjoying themselves. They didn't seem to care that it was possibly nothing, so I carried on.
    Eventually the whole thing started falling apart because nothing made sense anymore (probably because pretty much all the "clues" were just random bits of information). A lot of people seemed to think I was trying to create a game for them, but it was never really meant to be a game, that's why it was a really terrible game. For the people that thought 8•3•11 was supposed to bring some earth shattering news, sorry. I mean, it's a girl and a date with some spooky noises, how important could it really be? And it has a Formspring account... yeah.
    As far as it being a viral campaign it went incredibly well until that whole crashing and burning part at the end. All I did was post about 10 flyers around my town and within two days the site had 1,000 hits and it snowballed from there. It was definitely interesting to see how some people could become so focused on something they knew practically nothing about. It even inspired a few spinoffs. I was never in this to harm anyone. I never said something would actually happen on 8•3•11. I'm sorry if I upset you. This was never meant to be a prank or anything like that.
    None of the girls that people found had anything to do with the project and shouldn't be bothered. It was just me and one friend working on it together.
    In the end, I think what people really wanted was a mystery to solve and they did it. I think that's pretty cool to be honest. I know it's extremely cheesy to say, but it's really wild to see what people can do when they work together like they did on this. So, good job. I hope you actually had some fun exposing me.

    By the way, I noticed someone put up a CaféPress store with 8•3•11 merchandise. That was not me. Like I said before, I was never in this for some kind of profit.

  • @Oveer said:

    Bueno... que alguien me lo traduzca... :mem11:

    An Explanation

    It started as just a summer project. A way to have a little fun. Admittedly it got way bigger than I ever could have imagined. Honestly I didn't think it would make it out of Houston. Some of my friends and I were just going to post the flyer around the town and that was it. In retrospect I probably should have left it there.

    When I chose the date 8•3•11 it was totally random. And then I searched it online to see if it was already related to anything big. I saw the bible verse, and at first didn't think much of it. Then as summer began I thought that maybe 8•3•11 should actually have some purpose, so I made that crude sketch of an interactive sculpture that was sort of supposed to imitate a stoning. Those were really the only two things that were ever intentionally related to each other. So it sort of started to be some kind of weird stoning awareness thing if you could call it that? The idea never really got developed because I was busy with other things.
    So then the whole thing started to blow up online and people thought it was an Alternate Reality Game(ARG). I didn't know what an ARG was before this whole thing and I'm still not totally clear on it. At any rate people were interested in it and that was interesting to me so I gave "clues". I put that in quotes because I had no idea where I was going with the whole thing. I'm not much of a story teller. I was actually going to shut it down a few weeks ago (probably should have followed my gut on that one), but it was really interesting reading the ideas people were coming up with and a lot of people seemed to be genuinely enjoying themselves. They didn't seem to care that it was possibly nothing, so I carried on.
    Eventually the whole thing started falling apart because nothing made sense anymore (probably because pretty much all the "clues" were just random bits of information). A lot of people seemed to think I was trying to create a game for them, but it was never really meant to be a game, that's why it was a really terrible game. For the people that thought 8•3•11 was supposed to bring some earth shattering news, sorry. I mean, it's a girl and a date with some spooky noises, how important could it really be? And it has a Formspring account... yeah.
    As far as it being a viral campaign it went incredibly well until that whole crashing and burning part at the end. All I did was post about 10 flyers around my town and within two days the site had 1,000 hits and it snowballed from there. It was definitely interesting to see how some people could become so focused on something they knew practically nothing about. It even inspired a few spinoffs. I was never in this to harm anyone. I never said something would actually happen on 8•3•11. I'm sorry if I upset you. This was never meant to be a prank or anything like that.
    None of the girls that people found had anything to do with the project and shouldn't be bothered. It was just me and one friend working on it together.
    In the end, I think what people really wanted was a mystery to solve and they did it. I think that's pretty cool to be honest. I know it's extremely cheesy to say, but it's really wild to see what people can do when they work together like they did on this. So, good job. I hope you actually had some fun exposing me.

    By the way, I noticed someone put up a CaféPress store with 8•3•11 merchandise. That was not me. Like I said before, I was never in this for some kind of profit.

    Una explicación

    Comenzó como un simple proyecto de verano. Una manera de divertirse un poco. Hay que reconocer que tiene mucho más grande de lo que jamás podría haber imaginado. Honestamente, no pensé que lo haría fuera de Houston. Algunos de mis amigos y yo sólo iba a publicar el folleto por la ciudad y eso fue todo. En retrospectiva, probablemente lo habría dejado allí.

    Cuando elegí la fecha: 8 • 3 • 11 fue totalmente al azar. Y entonces lo busqué en línea para ver si estaba relacionado ya con algo grande. Vi el versículo de la Biblia, y al principio no creía mucho en él. Luego, cuando empezó el verano pensé que tal vez 8 • 3 • 11 en realidad debería haber algún propósito, por lo que hizo que el crudo boceto de una escultura interactiva que era una especie de supuesto de imitar a una lapidación. Esas fueron realmente las únicas dos cosas que nunca fueron intencionalmente relacionados entre sí. Por lo tanto, una especie de comenzó a ser una especie de cosa rara conciencia de la lapidación, si se le puede llamar así? La idea en realidad nunca se desarrolló porque estaba ocupado con otras cosas.

    Así que todo empezó a volar en línea y la gente pensaba que era un juego de realidad alternativa (ARG). Yo no sabía lo que era antes un ARG todo esto y todavía no estoy del todo claro sobre el mismo. En todo caso la gente estaba interesada en él y que era interesante para mí, así que le dio "pistas". Puse eso entre comillas porque no tenía idea de dónde iba con todo el asunto. Yo no soy mucho de un contador de historias. Yo en realidad iba a cerrarla hace unas semanas (probablemente debería haber seguido mi instinto de que uno), pero fue muy interesante la lectura de las ideas la gente venía y con un montón de gente parecía estar realmente divirtiéndose. No parecía importarle que era, posiblemente, nada, así que seguí adelante.

    Eventualmente, todo el asunto empezó a desmoronarse, porque nada tenía sentido más (probablemente debido a que casi todas las "pistas" son bits sólo al azar de la información). Un montón de gente parecía pensar que yo estaba tratando de crear un juego para ellos, pero nunca se pensó realmente que es un juego, es por eso que se trataba de un juego realmente terrible. Para la gente que piensa: 8 • 3 • 11 se supone que traiga un poco de tierra rompiendo noticias, lo siento. Quiero decir, es una niña y una fecha con algunos ruidos espeluznantes, ¿qué importancia puede ser realmente? Y tiene una cuenta Formspring ... sí.

    En cuanto a que sea una campaña viral que fue muy bien hasta que estrellarse todo y quemando parte al final. Todo lo que hice fue puesto alrededor de 10 volantes en mi ciudad y dentro de dos días, el sitio tenía 1.000 visitas y una bola de nieve a partir de ahí. Definitivamente, fue interesante ver cómo algunas personas pueden llegar a ser tan concentrado en algo que no sabía prácticamente nada. Que incluso inspiró una spin-off pocos. Nunca estuve en esto para dañar a nadie. Yo nunca he dicho algo que realmente pasaría el 8 • 3 • 11. Lo siento si te molesta. Esto nunca fue la intención de ser una broma o algo por el estilo.

    Ninguna de las chicas que encontraron tenía nada que ver con el proyecto y no debe ser molestado. Que era sólo yo y un amigo que trabaja en esto juntos.

    Al final, creo que lo que realmente quería era un misterio que resolver y lo hicieron. Creo que eso es muy bueno para ser honesto. Sé que es muy cursi decirlo, pero es muy salvaje para ver qué se puede hacer cuando trabajan juntos como lo hicieron en este sentido. Por lo tanto, buen trabajo. Espero que en realidad tenía un poco de diversión exponerme.