Serverfiles Drift City

Topic created · 1 Mensajes · 650 Visitas
  • Pues buscando por internet me encontre con esto (Por fin lo sacaron :want: 😞

    Drift City Private Server Files
    The Download is under 21mb!

    Drift City Private Server Guide

    1)Make 5 New Folders called GameServer_Auth, GameServer_Game, GameServer_Area, GameServer_Lobby, and GameServer_BArea.
    2) Copy and paste all files from the GameServer folder and paste it into every GameServer_* folder you created.
    3) Go to all GameServer_* folders and change the ip addresses in connector.ini trafficagent_def.ini and zoneserverconfig.ini.
    4) Change the database information in zoneserverconfig.ini (ExtraDBName ExtraDBUser ExtraDBPass. ExtraDBName must be skdbtw and ExtraDBUser must be SKID ExtraDBPass SKID)
    5) Change GameServer_Auth's zoneserverconfig.ini information.
    Set AuthOn=1 and ServerID=100
    6)Change GameServer_Area's zoneserverconfig.ini information.
    Set AreaOn=1 and ServerID=100
    7)Change GameServer_Game's zoneserverconfig.ini information.
    Set GameOn = 1 and ServerID to 100.
    8)Change GameServer_BArea's zoneserverconfig.ini information.
    Set BAreaOn = 1 and ServerID to 100.
    9)Change GameServer_Lobby's zoneserverconfig.ini information.
    Set LobbyOn = 1 and ServerID to 100.

    MSSQL Part

    1. Download and Install MSSQL 2008 with Tools ( [][1]">[][2] )
    2. Open up SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
      3)Create Database skdbtw ( Right click databases - new database )
    3. Create user SKID with the password SKID ( right click security - new login )
    4. Open up the main dc table (20080529_DC_TW_FULL_script) - File - Open - File - 20080529_DC_TW_FULL_script.sql
    5. Execute it and refresh the database ( Right click databases - refresh )
    6. Click the drop down boxes (database - tables) In tables, search for the table SKID_UNALISCOIN_CHG_LOG_TB
      Right click it - Delete.
    7. Download this sql script made by wesman2232 to fix a error without doing it manually.
      Open it and execute.
    8. Then open UnAlisCoin_Test.sql and execute it too.
    9. Now you are ready to run the files!
      Needs to be run in this order:

    Auth (GameServer_Auth/zoneserver.exe)
    Game {GameServer_Game/zoneserver.exe}
    Area (GameServer_Area/zoneserver.exe)
    Traffic {GameServer_anything/trafficagent.exe}

    Now you have completed setting up the server part of Drift City!

    Fuente: [][1]">[][3] ... de-707086/
    PD: el cliente lo estoy bajando, es la unica parte que falta y estoy intentando hacerlo para que puedan jugar en su servidor.
    Suerte :wiii:

    [1]: <a href=