@luismurias said:
Lvl Max : 250 ou 255
Serverfiles 2010 , com 4 Ch.
Reboot em 5 seconds
New Mounts
Novos Itens
Novos Mobs
And other things..Commands Virtual Box to start the server
To do this you need to log in with:user: Metin2
Password: changemeiniciar - to start;
parar - to put off;
reiniciar - reboot
reiniciar_soft - reboot channels;
reiniciar_hard - if you put the server online, this is to put off, and reboot the machine;
limpar -clean (logs) ;System accounts (to change ip and other things) VirtualBox
user: root
Password: changemeMySQL (Navicat)
User: db_manage
Password: changeme (deverá ser alterada).PortMap - http://www.4shared.com/rar/ZFOBOKcY/PortMap.html
Client and Serverfiles on the same link
http://noiu0t.1fichier.com/ (Click on telecharger le fichier to donwload)
http://bayfiles.com/file/hr9T/XzI0XM/%5Bcyber-gamers.org%5DCliente_e_Serverfiles_m2m.rar (Click on "Premium Download to start the donwload
Credits: Cyber-Gamers.org / Glossy
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como puedo arrancarlo , no me deja :T.T: ,me podrian ayudar plis