[.SG] Anniversary Update

Topic created · 9 Mensajes · 1611 Visitas

  • The date now finally hits us, October 3rd, 2011. One day after Metin2 SG's second year anniversary, and the day where Metin2 SG players are now able to equip, craft, fight and fawn over a number of much anticipated updates.

    These are the Epic Armors, to be known as Aqua Armors on SG, epic boots, and the Aqua Dragon, known as Beran-Setaou to other players.

    Aqua Armors:

    The Metin2 SG staff have decided to go in a slightly different direction with their Aqua Armors. Whereas the original versions of these armors on YMIR's Metin2 KR feature a built in HP Regeneration bonus (something that Gameforge followed with their own implementation), the Aqua Armors to be found on Metin2 SG instead feature Demi-Human Resistance. Demi-human essentially means other player characters. 10% Demi-Human increases damage against Suras, Warriors, Mages and Assassins, and in some cases some human-like monsters. Likewise, Resistance to Demi-Human reduces damage taken from these sources. Metin2 SG players also won't be hampered by any movement speed reduction. The resulting table of statistics is like so:

    Other things remained unchanged, such as the requirement of Aqua Dragon Scales and Aqua Dragon Claws in order to craft the Aqua Armors from Level 66+9 armors:

    Aqua Dragon:

    Of course, with the introduction of the new armors, the dragon makes an arrival too. Its home is at the end of the second floor of Heaven's Lair. For those adventurous enough, here is a map:

    At the end of the second floor, players will encounter a Sura Ghost NPC. This NPC will ask for 3 Dragon God Symbols in order to enter the Aqua Dragon's Lair. These Dragon God Symbols can be dropped from Zin Heavens Generals. Note that every player entering the lair will require symbols, so some serious farming must be done in order for a large party to enter. The initial player may also set a numeric password, in order to control who else may enter and help or ruin their dragon run. The server assumes that guilds will try this together; players in the same guild are able to enter right away, provided they have the dragon god symbols.

    Once inside, players will be set upon by a hoarde of Heaven's Lair monsters, along with the Aqua Dragon itself. They will also find a number of metins in the room. Each "run" on the dragon can last up to an hour, and stragglers are given 5 minutes after a run starts to join in.

    The purpose of the metins was a mystery for some time, as Gameforge didn't reveal their use following their implementation of the dragon at the beginning of this year; players instead had to figure it out for themselves. Each type of metin corresponds to a certain strength of the Aqua Dragon, and destroying metins will reduce its strength in that area. These metin types are:

    • Metin of Vengeance: Increases Aqua Dragon's Attack Power
    • Metin of Mountain: Increases Aqua Dragon's Defence
    • Metin of Solitude: Increases Aqua Dragon's HP Regeneration Rate
    • Metin of Arrogance: Increases Aqua Dragon's HP Regeneration Amount per Heal

    Epic Boots

    Last but not least, epic boots are now available on Metin2 SG. Level 47, 51, 55 and 59 boots can be crafted into epic boots when at +9. The epic boots don't receive additional stats, rather their build in stats continue to increase as they are upgraded. This allows for a maximum of 20% skill speed, 20% chance to flee arrow attacks, 20% block attack or +20 AC. The boots, like Aqua Armors, require Aqua Dragon Claws and Aqua Dragon Scales to upgrade:


  • Tiene pinta de ser dificil _xD_

    Lo que no entendi es como entrar a la sala del dragon. Necesitas unos items que tira el general zin y una pass o algo asi? :O.o:

  • Eso es un sistema de seguridad para que no te "roben" el dragón. Por ejemplo, tu vas al dragón, pones una contraseña, y solo se la dices a la gente que quieras que entre, así no entran gorrones a molestar. 😛

  • Es decir, que si dos grupos intentan entrar a la vez solo pasa el primero y el otro se jode no? _xD_

  • Pues me parece buena idea, porque no entras tu solo que te va a petar seguro, entras con quien quieras, y nadie viene a joderte la tarde _xD_

  • @Hawkings said:

    Es decir, que si dos grupos intentan entrar a la vez solo pasa el primero y el otro se jode no? _xD_

    No, a ver, solo le aparece el NPC a la persona que ha hecho "un par de cositas" primero 😛 No está bien que tú te lo curres todo, venga un tonto y te lo mate xD

  • @Anghios said:

    @Hawkings said:

    Es decir, que si dos grupos intentan entrar a la vez solo pasa el primero y el otro se jode no? _xD_

    No, a ver, solo le aparece el NPC a la persona que ha hecho "un par de cositas" primero 😛 No está bien que tú te lo curres todo, venga un tonto y te lo mate xD

    Yo no me he quejado ni he dicho que sea buena o mala idea, solo he preguntado xD

    Entonces, si dos grupos diferentes consiguen todos los requisitos para entrar relativamente a la vez, ¿solo pasan los primeros, y los segundos se tienen que esperar a que terminen?

    Eso era lo que quería preguntar exactamente xD. Ya sé que si esto es evita que la gente se colara a gorronear, pero también hace que si dos grupos se lo han currado los segundos se tengan que esperar a que terminen los primeros xD

  • Obviamente tendrán que esperar, es como en demons, y los metines y demonios xD

  • Esas armaduras me suenan mas a Zafiros algunas y esmeraldas otras que a las que estan en el .es...